Refreshing diaries and essays


  The story that was saved to a shark  A trial in society of a crow

 Old nice guys and old beauties  body and heart, soul,(2)  body and heart, soul,(1)  Runaways  What day is today? 

  A cat's day  A shopping gentleman of 1 yen  A motivation and courage  The Milky Way group of 12,700,000,000 light-year 

The top of a food chain  A pure gold diamond box  An adult that is fierce  Only you  A face is a window of a heart  An agave

March8  The story that was saved to a shark

 One day when I was 9 or 10years old, I was swimming in the sea of a coral reef leaning on a banana tree instead of a tire tube. The sea of Miyako Island is deep blue and is beautiful, but on the other hand there are many dangerous places that an ocean current is mixed and confused.

The surface of the sea is calm, and some time, 2.3 meters bottom surrounds the whirling current which surges. When the tide swirls particularly intensely, It is such a time the tide swirls particularly intgennsely that the tide rises, and to pull. When person noticed the situation, circumference was surrounded in a surging whirling current, and he was left in a coral reef depressing in a wave.

They say that thus there was the person who became missing in great numbers in old days. Without knowing so it I of a child rode one arm on a trunk of a banana and swam noisily. I who was a child rode my arm on a trunk of a banana and swam without knowing it. When I noticed incidentally, I understood that an island was far. Besides, I was carried away to the offing at terrible speed. I was surprised. I clung to a trunk of a banana and moved a foot hard toward an island.

 But the force of an ocean current was terrible. I have been dragged into right in the heart of of east China Sea in no time. I did not see the island anymore. It was a sea of a limit to look around. I raised a voice and cried. However, gulls danced in the sky, and there was not the saved road.

 Of these, a trunk of a banana swelled up and gets impossible to support my body. I stood, and I floated by swimming for about an hour. And at last, I got rid of power to swim.

Suddenly, some of a slippery object entered between my crotches. It lifted my body to the surface of the sea. And it moved at terrible speed while letting skin stir slightly. I clung to it for my life. For while, a sandy beach of an island came into view, and I was thrown to there.

 I stood up without understanding reason. And a thing was going to leave for the offing when I watched the sea while a big fin cut the surface of the sea. It was a shark that saved me. Thereafter I came to believe existence of strange someone.


March 3  A trial and a execution in society of a crow  (カラス社会の裁判と死刑執行)

There were a lot of crows in the days of my child in the shore (Miyako Island) of my country. A flock of crows perched to branchs of shrubs and I oftren watched that crows picked at fruits of Pandanus tectorius with a bill . The crow ate Insecta and reptiles such as cicadas, lizards. Or I think that the crows made small crabs running around in a white sandy beach food source.

In those days, it was said that a crow took revenge on the man when a man tormented a crow . Or it was said to be popular a scourge of a crow . However, a certain person stole the young bird in secret. The reason was because the fledgling of a crow was believed with medicine of all sorts of disease. A house of the person who stole the young bird became a fire and was reduced to ashes. There was a eyewitdness who watched the scene that crow carried a branch ot the tree which fire assailed. The eyewitness told villagers about it. Villagers heard the story and looked pale and shook.

If there was not evidence, I believed nothing since a child. I thought that adults who believed a superstition were stupid. Speaking of entertainment of an adult of those days, it was greatest to cause a miracle of the making of child. Because it was the times with a little entertainment, they were excited at a mysterious story or a fearful story.

It was on the way to home from school when I watched the mysterious scene. A large flock of crows made noise in a forest near a road in the way. The biggest tree in the forest is beliebed a sacred tree called Bunyan tree . Crows made noise on the tree. Because thire uproar was different from usual, I wondered and entered in a forest and looked up at the big tree.

I guessed the number of crows to have been around 50. The branches and leaves of the tree grew thick, and the top of a Bunyan tree spread out in the shape of a ring. Crows made a circle there and each perched around. One crow perched at the center. A meaning of the scene was not able to understand it to me.

Then one crow stepped out from a circle and approached a central crow and hit the three times of the head with his bill. Then the crow changed around a direction and came back in a circle. The next crow came out to replacement successively and did a similar thing. An act to get with such a strange ceremony was done in sequence. When last one of them ended the act, the crows soared up into the sky all at once. And they became a lump such as a black cloud and flew away to the western shore.

After a few minutes, the crow fell down to my step. The figure became bloody, and it seemed to be rag cloth. On earth what was that ? I felt a cold thing ranning for the back. And then I escaped from the place on the run unintentionally. Was that court and execution of crow society? It is a witness experience to still find it very difficult to understand. There become a few numbers recently, and I've heard a rumor from the hometown that the crow seems to be for a crisis of the extinction.

This is not fiction. There was many people who watched a similar scene in a village. It's mysterious, isn't it ?  How do you think of this, everybody ?   I introduce a more fearful witness experience than this tomorrow.

Then see you tomorrow again!  Have a nice dream !


Fefruay 27   Old nice guys and old beauties

There is Seiyu in the west exit of a station. There is a library in the the fourth floor. I've been to there today. A purpose is to borrow a book . However, I borrowed a video instead of the book because I coudn't find the book . I watched Movie "Musasi Miyamoto"when I was in high school days. Fortunately, it has been made videos.

That time when I had been watching the movie, all my blood of the youth burnt and had it numb with a severe earthquake of magma size eruption, and I had a convulsive fit. And time torn in first love can feel seem to be yesterday.

The star was Toshiro Mifune. A position of Otsu was Kaoru Yachigusa, and a position of Matahachi was Rentaro Mikuni. And a position of Akemi becomes Mariko Okada. Besides, Daisuke Kato, Mitsuko Mito, Michiyo Kogure and a position of Kojiro Sasaki are Kozi Tsuruta.

It is only to be surprised when I watched it after an interval of 40 several years. All the members are only nice guys and beauties. They are all youg whose each name are Toshiro Mifune , Koji tsuruta, Rentaro Mikuni.

Furthermore, beauty of Kaoru Yachigusa and Mariko okada is the best. World 3 size beautiful women do not extend to a step either. What will God be a superior artist of ? The human being artist who can make the beautiful statue which lived of this does not yet appear in the history for human 6000000 years at all.

Otsu entreated Musashi Miyamoto who was going to go to Ganryu Island.

「It's imposible for me to accept your die. Please escape with me.」

「Listen ! I am a samura. A person as a wife of a samurai must not cry at the time of departure of a husband. Tears are unlucky. See me off with a smile!」

Otsu covered moist eyes in a rainbow of tears beautifully. And she collapsed on a chest of Musashi. How elegant, beautiful, noble is the scene! Downright magma of youth of that time became surging wave on my chest.

And the decisive battle of Musasi and Kojirou in Ganryu Island glistened like a picture. Two were covered with wave spray of seawater. But it was not the reason why the two were nice guys like dripping water. There are many alcoholics present age who drank syocyou. I felt miss old dayas. But, they were not able to return.

I can seem to sleep beautifully elegantly after a long absence this evening. Then be absent from a dream to be splendid, everybody!


Feburuary 26  body and heart, soul, Part2 

All of you, good evning!  The television movie "terminator 3" of last night was terrible, wasn't it?  It was terrible force. More over, the strength of fantastic attacked me jumped up to 120%, and the grade of fierce shock sprang to 150% suddenly. Then, fortunately. 200% of my stress have been blown off. It is good for us to watch such a movie sometimes,and good to become a heart when we was born. How do you think about my such a thought? Every time I chopped an annual ring , I have become younger than before. In other words, it means that interest degree for an object and emotion increase year by year.

Do you do my age in asking?  It is gokusen---, Oh, I'm sorry I did mistype, I mean it is absolutely secret. The television movie Gokusen begins at 9:00 of an evening now, too. A Syuen(meaning is feast) is---, oh,it'not, ・・・the leading actress is Yukie Nakama. She is from Urasoe-shi of Okinawa, but the Urasoe-shi is my hometown. However, unfortunately even a relative is an acquaintance, but it is nothing. The Gokusen reserves a video and I'll watch it tomorrow. Ok, now let's get start a continuance of the yesterday's study seriously.

By the way, what do we study from now on ?  I got it and appeared about ... that is human Maine which said a soul, heart, mind and there was it.  Then what is a heart ?  I do not understand it. However, I understand why it is a heart. Because it change each time as they say woman's mind and winter wind change often. If you reverse a Japanese map, we can read it "心" on the top of Kyusyu.  That is, Japan will plan completion of a heart because it symbolizes a heart of Japane!

Japan was called Akitusima in old days.  It is a meaning by an archaic word of a dragonfly. In other words the Japanese Islands resemble a dragonfly. There was nursery rhyme of start of ♪♪ why why dragonfly's eyeballs are red ...♪♪. That means the Japanese flag is red in white.

Do you understand what "a heart" is ?  It is the movement that Maine handles. It is a user of informations inputed into a hard desk of a brain. Adhering to all of informations, the Maine draw it and accept the situation, and let it reproduce in recognition, and finally judge the situation and ract handles. A heart is a function, and it dicides the direction of reaction according the system of instinct that operate it. This is just to be able to say it as the human main body. And it is just the humen spirit that run life activity at the world where is said a magnificicent hardware desk.

And regurding as the speed of movement of a heart, Is it flows of low current which flow through a brain ?  Electronic speed in an atom is 500 meters per second under normal temperature. The speed when it flows through copper wire is dozens of centimeters per second. It may be connected with that kind of difference of temperature or the situation of a conductor that there is individual difference for movement of a heart.

Like agreement, a human body radically consists of it by a proton, an electron, a neutron, an elementary particle such as a quark. As you know, only one atom can not become a material. But it connected much, there come out various materials. It is an electron that join the atoms together. The electron is only the outside electron which is past an atomic nucleus. It seems to call it an integumentary covering.

If there is not the number of the integumentary coverings in two or eight, there is each molecule not to be stable. Therefore, for example, an atom of the molecule which is going to be stable shares an integumentary covering of other atoms in eight such as silicon to maintain the eight hard. It is structure of combination and becomes power of combination. In other words they were joinned by electronic hands and grow firmly .

The electron appears momentarily and disappears. Thus that I say the impermanence of all things is proved entirely that all existence continues a change consistently. Therefore if there are many elementary particles, probability of existence becomes high.

Existence named a human being is the existence that existence probability is extremely high in this sense. Innumerable elementary particles move to one cell. Do 60,000,000,000,000 cells have a numerical elementary particle only for which?  It becomes numerical infinite times infinite. In this, my head became funny. The time when all of the elementary particle which a human being holds becomes extinct naturally takes 10 to the 30th power when I calculate.

Then how does a world connection of a heart become the material world?  The answer is considerably difficult. Einstein who is super genius decleared that "time and air space exist inside of a thought, not in reality".  What does it mean?  On earth whose thought is the thought?  Or did he mean that indivual thought has a common mother's body? And did he means that the individual though look like the wave spray that crushed and scattered by hitting rocks of beach?

Because I did not understand reason, I end study in this evening. This continuance will do next imposible day. Ok, good night evry bodys ! I'm looking forward to see you next and watching the Gokusen from now on.


Feburuary 25  body and heart, soul, Part1  (肉体と心、魂 Part1 )

According to molecular biology as for the human body, all cells seem to be replaced in six months. A fact to live is terrible, isn't it? 60,000,000,000,000 cells constituting a body become replacing all in only six months. In other words the present body is completely different from other cells for six months.

Then on earth, who am I ?  It is completely so different from heterogeneous body six months ago that present myself becomes naturally different from myself at that time. But after all myself is myself in all ages. And where from did I come and where will I go to?  And when I had slept, where did I go?  Furthermore, Who will present I be?

The world is completely full of not understanding reason. However, it is unchanged that oneself is oneself from old days even if it is oneself who does not understand reason. After all there is not being wrong in oneself who recognizes oneself being oneself even if I do not understand where oneself when I sleep goes to if I waked up.  A story is complexed, and I seem to become strange, but let's try so hard that we do not become strange well !

There is complexed 4 characters set phrase of "impermanence of all things" in Buddhism. The meaning of it is that all things in nature changes consistently entirely. In other words substance appears in a moment, and it becomes extinct instantly. The appearance of monent and the extinction of moment are the basic principle of this world which can be active..

Oneself is continuation of on and off light, and the origin is engraved into a database of all things in nature. A human soul is just the origin of it and installed in a hard desk of the body, and it manifests as a heart and let it develop perception action.

"Terminator 3" are televised with four channels this evening. It starts from 9:03.  Oh! it's soon at 9:00 . Let's get study this continuance tomorrow . Then let's watch "a terminator 3" together while drinking high-quality wine, everybody! 


Feburuary 24   Ranaway   Both police officers and soldiers escaped (おまわりも兵隊も逃げた)

The man is 26 years old. And he was running at hard speed. There were a movie of a title of ”as for the man is dangerou”. But he was more dangerous than it. The reason is that he was driving Benz while using a stimulant. The car did in defiance of a signal. Then it stopped after flying over shrubbery of the sidewalk, and 70 meters drove recklessly. Two police officers rushed in a light police car by a report.

He mixed a windshield and a windowpane with a metal bat in a driving seat, then he came out when two police officers approached the broken Benz. The danger man who became bloody swung a metal bat around in spite of being yell. And he attacked two

Two police men were astonished. And they became pale and escaped. Two photographers who were present at there accidentally photographed the state. Their fear expression drew and the figures escaping panickingly was projected scrupulously by television of morning. When I watched the picture on TV, a piece of memory with old days revived.

On April 14, 1945, the United States Armed Forces started a fortress of the Japanese armed forces in Okinawa Motobu Peninsula, attack to Mt. Yae. In that kind of situation, three we mother and child moved to a safe zone of the foot of a mountain with villagers of ten several. When we appeared in a valley of a hill, we was exposed to intensive attack of terrible gun bombing suddenly. Mother rushed an older sister of 8 years old and run hard while pulling my hand. Eenemy tank crowd was coming to attack us from the rear. The distance with them shrank. A bullet and a piece of a cannonball flew busily and continued raising a growl sound as if a witch laughed. The refugees who shared an action were exterminated.

We finally escaped in the jungle and continued running on a road without a road. There was the headquarters of the Japanese armed forces in halfway up a mountain. Mother judged that we were safe if we could escape into there. However, the bombing of the United States Armed Forces added to intensity. Huge trees was defeated and a rocky mountain broke and was scattered, and flame of flaming red wound up a whirlpool by the circumference.

When we ran around at the risk of life and finally came to neighborhood of the headquarters, the soldiers who had a gun ran down from upper. Thire faces was drawn in fear and they were looked pale, and thire eyes was raised. Three we were surprised and stopped.

The soldiers rolled us up in no time. And they flew over three bodies knocked down and ran away. Hairs of mother got twiste up and stuck to a trigger of a gun of one soldier. And he just pull mother. It was about time that a bunch of hairs was pulled up. Mother was dragged several meters. The soldier ran with a gun which trigger sowed mother's hairs.

Because expressions of escaping police officers projected by television too resembled expressions of the soldiers at that time, I think that a piece of memory of an old scar is a thing which revived.  However, I do not want to do criticism for escaping. It is natural that human being feel the fear at the bottom of desparation. I really consider it's not to be with the person who experienced fear of death unless I can understand. Of course there is it when I fight at the risk of life if I become one's mission. But, how will all of you be thoughts?

I do today's diary with nonfiction.  Then I am absent in this today. In addition, everybody, see you tomorrow!

Anti-aircraft fire of the U.S. fleets for special attack kamikazes



Feburuary 23 What day is today? (今日は何の日?)

I ask you a same question I did yesterday, but what day is it today?   February 23.  ・・・Yes, it is a birthday of 45 years old of Crown Prince.  When I was a student in Nara, news of Crown Prince birth is reported and remembers that the life became bright suddenly.

 Is it 45 years from that?  I feel a flow of time there. It is felt for a long time and it is felt a short time. Looking up moon, I'll drink high quality wine calmly and elegantly tonight.

Today is a Crown Prince birthday and the future Emperor's Birthday. And it is good for it, today is a day of Mt. Fuji. Why are 2.23 readable with Mt. Fuji?  In other words, the "2" of two can read Fuji because a number of 2 reveal two times. And because the next number is 3, it becomes third=mountain and say with a day of Mt. Fuji.

True or not, it is so my selfish guess that all evils coming out by them is not my responsibility. You please understand this.

It is 700000-200000 years before that the basics of Mt. Fuji were formed. A Peking men wound a fur of a beast around a lower part of the body and had a stone ax. It was a chased game of time for protein source such as a wild boar or a deer.

Then it is Old Fuji volcanic activity period 40000-20000 years ago. It is for eruption to have happened frequently in the south side of Omitake volcano. Scholars tell the Japanese Islands were not separated by water at that time, Jomon people came over one after another from the interior.

Although I consider it is a impertinent opinion, this kind of reverse opinion may can be received tolerantly . But how will you about it?  In other words originally the Japanese Islands were continents. And the one part was left and separated afterward and moved.  Therefore, there was the origin of the human in the Japanese

Then the human continued a trip of 7500 mile in quest of food, and spread through the world. There is not the origin of the human in Africa, and there is it in Japan. Therefore, a Japanese is to say the head family of the human. I make a voice a size

・・・Oh, Very excuse me.  It is my bad habit. I have flown to the place where a story was terrible.  My old woman shout me now in a neighboring room. It is for the wind that I gave to be poor just before. Because I ate too much cooking of a potato and a Japanese radish last night, digestion becomes active.  I'll devise a super high-performance recycling gas combustion device and want to contribute to gas charges saving of a house.

・・・Well, let me see, what was the today's theme?  Nmely, it was for Mt. Fuji to have grown how afterwards. It is for Shinfuji volcanic activity period to have begun 10000 years ago. The eruption was terrible. It buried Oitake volcano, Old Fuji volcano and formed Mt. Fuji like the present.

Mt. Fuji continues keeping silence since a great explosion for Hoei era four years (1707) soon in the third century.  A certain gentleman says that Mt. Fuji becomes an extinct volcano and does not have eruption anymore, but it is a terrible story. When move it in age of a person, Mt. Fuji is still 18 years old. Silence of Mt. Fuji keeps only endure . It becomes terrible strong so as to be long if a period of silence is long.

Great eruption before great eruption of the Hoei era does large eruption of Jogan of 864. 743 of the meantime has only a record of small eruption. That is, it is not to be at all long silence for 298 years from great eruption to the present of the Hoei era.

However, it is for nature Nature to do it even if it explodes very much even if it erupt. It is a crystal of a miracle strangely. Mt. Fuji is a hometown of a Japanese heart, and reality that today is a Crown Prince birthday and a day of Mt. Fuji is unchanged.  I pray for Japanese prosperity and purification of a heart and world harmony and do it with today's diary. Then, for all of you spirit, it is tomorrow again!



Feburuary 22   It is a day of a cat today (今日は猫の日)   

Today is February 22. By the way, Do you know what day is today? It's a day of cats. In other words, it has been decided a day of cats because of we can read the date of today mew,mew,mew. Then, I'd like to ask you when is a day of dogs? It is November 1 according to your guess. The reason is that reading it aloud becomes one, one, one. More over, November 11 or January 11, January 1 seems to become a day of dogs but the bark of wa wan wa-n seems to most naturalis on November 1.
It is said to be before about 20000 years in the Stone Age that a human being came to keep a dog. It seems to be the origin of the dog that they tamed a wolf as a detector of an approaching fierce animal and a foreign enemy quickly. In the case of the cat, they tamed wild cats in order to get rid of the mouse from damaging cereals.

A cat hold the mysterious side,dosen't he?  Why then the cat's eyes gleamed in the darkness ?  Because there is a reflector in the backside of the retina of a cat. It let re-reflet the minute light and amplify the light which retina cannot sense.

And make it possible to watch a game in the dark. Capture probability of the game which a cat aimed at is much higher than an animal of other cats department. Distance of two tusks of a cat is suitable for spinal cord cutting of a mouse and evolves highly.

In ancient Egypt, a cat is admired as God. As for Egyptian mythical goddess Basteto, the body is a human being and a face becomes a cat. Additon to unnecessary story, this Batesuto is a doughter of La God who is a solar incarnation. Strange to say, she is a wife of La God. That say it iwas an intermarriage.

Cat divinized in Egypt went over from Palestine to Greece, Rome, India and then spreaded to China, Korea, Japan. However, next of God, cat is considered to be the devil and enter the times of slaughter.

A superstition of a witch spread in Middle Ages Europe each place, and the cat was considered to be the fingers. A cat was spoiled with a woman considered to be a witch by one end. It was an event in "Saint John Festival" that was cruel.

They put a lot of cats in a bag or a sake barrel and hung it to a tree and warmed it by fire. And they enjoyed a scene cats cried, and to act violently together. Besides, from the top of a tower of a certain church that was 100 meters hight, they threw cats and dropped and killed. Judgment is not turned on which was a witch and which was a devil.

If there become a few cats, mice increase. Then the chisel which pest bacteria were parasitic on was scattered by the mouse which occurred in large quantities, and pest spread. In Europe from the 15th century to the 17th century, 30% of population died hereby. A scourge of a cat is this?

t is said that an intelligence quotient of a cat is hight. As for me, a cat watches a mirror, and there can be the thing that I saw it attaching lipstick while laughing. More I have seen a cat put forefoot together, and worshiping God of a family's Buddhist altar.

I consider a dog to be high as much as a cat. In the days of a child, we kept a white big female dog in our house. She could understand human words and was rich in feelings expression. In addition, it is a somehow fearful story, but this dog danced Noh by all means at the night of a full moon. She danced while waving a double-breasted foot in front of a small shrine of outskirts of a village with the hind leg which wore clogs slowly.

It is a fearful story, isn't it?  The dog and the cat may influence the world or space instead of human being 5000000 years later. We should plan purification of a heart every day so that there is not it so. And we should have love and keep justice in order to realize the world that will help each other!  However, you must distinguish that a dog barking well and the cat making noise are stupid. Excellent dog and cat are always calm down.

Do you ask me the difference of a dog and a cat?  Ok, I'll give you an answer. If a man prizes a dog, the dog considers a human being to be God. But in the case of cats, they consider themselves to be God.

I think that a human being can classify roughly to the two kinds. One ia a dog group and another is a cat group.


Feburuary 21 A shopping gentleman of 1 yen (一円の買い物紳士)

Feburuary 21 A shopping gentleman of 1 yen (一円の買い物紳士)

There is a shopping district at the station square named "Fureai-Dori". In a big supermarket of the inside, they were selling a cabbage for only 1 yen as a bargain sale campaign. When I drove a bicycle fast there, there were already a crowd of people. They were almost women and elderly women. Men and old men were only several. Althouth my face and body are youth of 20 years old, my annual ring that chopped precisely is a climax of middle age. Even if I was rolled up in women and elderly women surging wave, I could keep my mind calm completry with a reason of statement above.

However, how the skin of my face is thick, I could not buy only one cabbage for 1 yen. Thus I put fruit and canned food, fermented soybeans, miso, soy sauce in a basket and then equalled a cash register. A young store clerk was working dissolving her makeup for sweat. Most customers bought more than 1000 yen for a 1 yen cabbage. And my shopping should become around 2000 yen, too.

A gentleman past middle age lined up in the next front of me. The suit figure wearring a tie is a feeling to say with some ex-President or a former director. He was looked much more refined and noble when I compared it with my jacket figure. If dated back to the Edo era, he would seemed to a retired person of the silk fabrics wholesale dealer.

Then I took you interesting in the basket which he had. And I was surprised. Because there was only one cabbage inside of the basket. I thought that he must have been a great person. And afte a few minutes his turn came, and he became calculation at a cash register.

「Thank you. It's for 1 yen」

「What, 1 yen?  Oh, that is too cheap ..」

A young store clerk offered a gentleman a cabbage with a receipt after having received whole cash register. Then the complexion of a gentleman changed.

「A rude fellow ! Although You bag it up, and you handed it to another person, why you handed it me without bag it up? Because is it shopping only for 1 yen ?  Do you consider me as a poor person without 1 sentence? Do not make me a fool ! 」

 He is a terrible angry look. A young store clerk turned pale. And she handed a bag to a gentleman hastily while being confused.

「I'm sorry there was me carelessly. I'm so sorry indeed」.

However, the anger of a gentleman did not seem to be cooled down.

「Call a manager. Where is him?  I charge you in libel by a case.  It is the first time that I took such a humiliation. Come out a manager!」

A man like a manager of a bare patch head came out and he lowered a head many times. And he bagged up several apples and handed him it as a mark of apologizing. When a snort was rough and a gentleman snatched it, he just left while being exposed to eyes of a large number of customers. His atittude was the excellent that I've never seen untill now.

However, it was slightly strange.  As for the several apples and a cabbage, they just became over 1000 yen. The story became that he got them up for only 1 yen. I did think that he was not an ordinary person.

Althought there are unordinary persons in various ways, we must not become a human being like him. From a viewpoint of the third person, I fined distintly that we should keep a tolerant mind consistently. And I though that it is important to fix an appearance of a heart.


Feburuary 20 A motivation and courage are important (やる気と勇気が大切)>

Basics of existence are power, arn't it ? There are variouse power in this world. Some of them are space energy, a motivation, courage, and others. The universe cannot become existence without powers, and even if it existe, the things ruin finally. Namely such existence is not perfect. There need to control it in every thing and if cannot do it, destruction waits. For example, a space shuttle is possible for a space trip safely because it is controlled and regulatively spout out. It becomes a bomb when It spouts out at random without being controlled, and enevitably explod, blown off to powder.

There is a kind for power same as it in various ways. But any kind of power must be controlled, and it is important to be harmonized at first. And a source of the power conceals in this space. That may be said personal power is spiritual strength to absorb it. Even if there does not have discrimination, and there is undeniable fairness in any kind of circumstances , you should live magnificently without becoming servile.

Power of will, spiritual strength spring out from one's courage and motivation. If there is not , there come out some troubles of torment and keeping indoors, neurosis such as towards other people fear. Therefore at first it is courage. No matter how a enemy is huge you should fight bravely.

Of course escaping is best way for safety. But you should summon courage and must fight without being afraid when you were cornered in a predicament of a desperate situation. Evil's power is not controlled basecally, And it blows up finally, and to become extinct. Don't be frightened and must not escape. Therefore let's fight to the end thoroughly! Don't be afraid ! Do not escape ! Do not become a panic to be frightened by ! To become a brave man with love and justice and crush a thing named evil and will purify a heart and a soul of the person !

The second daughter said a tale of misery on the telephone. She seems to be threatened by a medium. Misfortune that attacks you now is due to bat spirits. Huge and powful demon possess you. Or there may be come out an ancestral scourge. I said to her that there are not a sort of scourge, ghosts and something eles. Don't confused a heart by such a superstition !  Matter is a weakness and ignorance of your heart. There not existe scourges or evil spirits, monsters in this world. You should have a strong heart, and summon courage, and fight ! I keep love and justice only for you. Now the second daughter seems to have waked up with my encouragement. Doughter told me on the telephone.

「Father, thank you !」

For now evil thrives strongly on this world. The thrives depend on our weakness and ignorance. Brake the superstitions and threats from ignorance ! And let's go through love and justice !


Feburuary 19  A thick veil of the ancient history

There are various opinions in the the birth year of Buddha, but BC 565 years and BC 465 years seem to be the most influential. Time is April 8 for the time being. "Flower Festival birthday celebration for a high priest" becomes Buddhist mass to celebrate birth of Buddha.

A place born is a place such as Rumbini garden. Maya which is mother admires beauty of a flower of Saraca asoca and the story that the Buddha was born from the right side when Maya grew a hand by it is deep-rooted and stays.

However, judging from modern scientific knowledge, it is never possible?  A child should be born and, however, is selected. What which is born from the side is terrible. A person believing this directly judges that it must be serious neurosis, and the person who cannot speak a heart tends to make a fool of such a various places.

Because the caste system of Brahmanism seeped to every corner, India of those days was different in a place to be born by social position. Brahman of the best class came out of a brain, and it was for the general common people to be born to from a knee and a slave of last place class from a sole from the side as for the King and the samurai rank.

It was completely ridiculous thought, but it was believed seriously for those days. However, the serious truth is hidden from a legend and a thing such as an old tale unexpectedly. I thought, but the Buddha was born from the side , that is, may be true. Why do I think so?  Ok, I decide to analyze it from now on.

Maya did a village return as Indian manners and customs of those days and intended to give a birth to a baby. Thus she left Kapila Castle and was accompanied by labor in Rumbini garden in the way which faced Debadaha Castle of a Korie country of the parents' house suddenly.

A Maya state is to have been the old birth for those days what you must know here then. Perhaps I thought that she came for a bride to Syutodana at the age of 15.6 years old, but then was not endowed with blessed child for 30 years. Therefore She is to have been first childbirth of around 40 years old.

That is, it was suffered from the difficult delivery, Maya very hard. A pelvis hardens, too and is not readily born. Because it wa a trip in a vehicleleft for an elephant or a vehicle of something, it may have caused early breaking water. Or was it a breech baby?

At all events it is a serious affair. Therefore I think that it became a Caesarean operation in a hurry. Now, I can understand that Buddha was born from the right side. But all of you may think that it is imposible to do such a thing because of the medical times that do not progress science. That is a too stupid story.

However, India of those days had the high medical technology that we were not negligible. It is said to have been created through a Caesarean operation emperor Julius Caesar of ancient Roman age of BC about 100. The etymology of a Caesarean operation comes from there. A thing named a Caesarean operation was done than it for this in India from the much older times. But when mother died during childbirth in the case of ancient India, it is limited, and it is informed that cut it open when that an embryo lives was confirmed and took it out.

In addition, there was a large country such as a Magata country in those days, and there was the hospital where it seemed that they had high medical facilities there. A superior treatment appliance or operation tool of those days are discovered by this hospital trace. It is a story after the Buddha opened realization, but skilled physician た Jiebaga which studied abroad in Takisira of Pakistan is moved by his sermon, and there is it when he is deep and is converted to the teaching and engaged in medical care activity.

To some extent it considers it to be able to understand Maya takes a Caesarean operation after a difficult delivery from this at Rumbini garden, and to have born the Buddha. Then Maya dies approximately 1 weeks later, but it is wrapped in a thick veil of the ancient history, and a reason to know a thing of the truth is not whether it was delivery of what kind of situation?

Teaching of the origin of Buddha is splendid even if I do it in whichever. Great people of coming ages paint over the color that is self-centeredness good in various ways, but we ascertain teaching of true Buddha and must pursue a genuine article consistently.

Oh!, I don't mean that. Today became a formal diary again. I'm very very sorroy. See you tomorrow again!  For all of you, be spirit !

2005.2.18   New discovery, the Milky Way group of 12,700,000,000 light-year(新発見 127億光年の銀河団)

When the most far-off Milky Way group was observed with Subaru Hawaii telescope from the earth, it appeared in the today's morning edition. The head of mine which originally is funny becomes funnier than before by imagining about the distance of 12,700,000,000 light-year. Even if I imaginate the infinit distance of it, I can't open it in infinity.

 Because I am considered to be 13,700,000,000 years old for the moment, age of space is to say with the Milky Way born 1,000,000,000 years of space birth later. The planet which is the farthest from the sun in the solar system is Pluto? The distance is replaced with Neptune periodically, but becomes the most far-off planet when I go at average distance.
 The distance 59.151 are hundred million kilometers.Then will the 12700000000 light-year be its several times?

In other words it is to call a distance of the 12700000000 light-year 100000000 times of 5561.255777 hundred million kilometers of distance between Pluto from the sun. It is a thing of 560,000,000,000,000 100000000 times?

Well・・・!  I really cannot considerably imagine this. I do it in thinking about distinction because a brain function completely comes to a stand still when I think more than this.

 The Milky Way group of the 12700000000 light-year distance has only a one-100th mass of the normal Milky Way, and it seems to be a figure just after birth. And a current figure can be seen12700000000 years later. Because it is a figure before 12700000000 years .

I am mysterious?  That is, from the outer space where was 4500000000 light-year distant, a figure of the beginning earth which is a lump of fire before 4500000000 years is seen. Furthermore, it is for I to see a moment of your birth from the outer space where was 50 light-year distant when you do it with 50 years old.

This has our the past concreteness, and it is to live eternally?  Possibly the Milky Way group of the 12700000000 light-year distance may become extinct anymore now. Even if it is assumed that it was assumed that seem to let spread it, in fact I see it now , that is, is for have concreteness, and there to be it.

When I change light into magnetism and save it, concreteness of the same light can reappear by the magnetism. There is something which is equal to that kind of magnetism in outer space, and light may wait in a point to arrive at.

Story become gradually complexed, change a topic into going around the earth rotate with 500 meters per second speed, and the sun with 2000 meters per second.

The sun flies with 14000 kilos per second once towards Hercules seat for 27 days while rotating. And our 100,000,000,000 Milky Way takes the above-mentioned swirling Milky Way and fly at hard speed to an end of space.

 The Milky Way of 1000000000 light-year distance of 15000 kilometers per second is super-high-speed, and go away, and all goes away at velocity of light from an end of 13700000000 light-year former space. Therefore, in the former space, darkness of jet black opens from the velocity of light without anything being seen because I cannot arrest you by light.

An end of space is mysterious?  Most things is still unknown forhuman being. Therefore what I understand, a "heart are right and have love and justice and consideration, and it establishes an aim, and let's try that I say with" which I help each other each other, and must evolve hard!

I did not understand today's diary, reason!  I make it the topic that does not have elaborate shoulder tomorrow.

Then let's meet you cheerfully again tomorrow, everybody!


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