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On The Birth of The Iida Physics(GUFP) which has surpassed The Achievements of the Newton or the Einstein Shuichi IIDA (Professor
Emeritus, Univ. Tokyo, graduated Univ. Tokyo in 1947) Since 1970’s, the Iida physics has experienced
a long history of publication difficulties. Almost all documents on the Iida
physics, both in English and in Japanese, are located at the reception desk of
the library of the Department of Physics, the University of Tokyo as the donated
documents from the Emeritus Professor Shuichi IIDA. Therefore, every visitor there can read
or copy them. In the October of
2008, we had the 10 th International Conference on Ferrites in
Chengdu China. As the scientists of
China have not been spoiled by the polarized various spirits against the Iida
physics that the theoretical groups in Japan, USA and Europe on magnetism,
elementary particles and high energy physics have, the author could present the
review paper on the Iida physics there safely and the paper is in the process
on the official publication for the Proceedings of ICF10, probably, having
published before the new year 2009.
This article will have become an additional complementary article to
that paper[1]. . I was born in 1926, incidentally being
coincided with the birth of the quantum physics. In 1947, I was graduated from the
University of Tokyo for the field of physics, in the miserable ruin of the
country just after the second world war.
At that time, Japan had been regarded as the fourth class country, but,
I had determined my mind to rebuild the country by our efforts. I had an interest to the basic theories
of physics, such as the theory of elementary particles, but, in order to
rebuild the country, there would be no other way than to develop the technical
industries in the country. In these
backgrounds, I had chosen the field of experimental magnetism, but, at the same
time, would like to keep my mental level on the theoretical physics similarly
to the level of my colleagues in the field of the theoretical physics. The initial subject had been the origin
of the magnetic annealing effect of CoxFe3-xO4 and the last subject in the Tokyo University was the structure of
the electronic order in Fe3O4 at low temperatures.
These situations were fortunate because it had turned out that the
territory of my research area has been obliged to be extended into the theory
of the elementary particles and cosmology and the most difficult and delicate
parts of the new physics are located in the magnetism related structures of the
objects. In 1986, I thought that I
had already become the first class physicist in the field of magnetic materials
with the ferrites and the magnetic oxides as the major. By the traditional social system of
Japan, however, I had to retire from the University of Tokyo, so that it had
become impossible to continue the first class experimental research. By using my home as the office for
research, however, it has been possible to continue the theoretical research,
which, after the severe and long struggles against the theoretical people in
the world who had wished to keep the old style wrong standard theoretical
framework for physics, has been developed into the stage of announcing the
establishment of the entirely new framework for physics, i.e., the Iida Physics(GUFP:
Grand Unifying Frame for Physics).
It should be mentioned here that, in 1961~3, I was invited to the Bell
Telephone Laboratories at Murray Hill, N.J., USA, the best laboratories in the
world at that time, where I had learned the top knowledge on physics as well as
the highly intelligent spirits of the top scientists in the world. Now, more than 20 years have passed since
1986. During this period, in the
field of elementary particles and nuclei, there had been the construction of
many high energy particle accelerators with huge budgets, but, the scales of
both the necessary budgets and the size of the area for the equipments had
arrived at the possible limit for the human being and for the size of the
earth. Therefore, the main methods
for the research had to change into the observation of the cosmological events
and its theoretical understandings.
Of course, it is impossible to control the experimental conditions of
the cosmological phenomena, so that the only possible method is to select the
objects of the observation from the miscellaneous phenomena, which are
occurring in the huge cosmological universe. Fortunately, however, my brain, which
had been trained by both the experimental and the theoretical researches in the
field of the physics of the materials, had turned out to be the only brain in
the world which can resolve the frontier of the very complicated cosmological
physical phenomena. In this way, in
2007, we had greeted the Birth of the Iida Physics, which surpasses the
Achievements of the Newton or the Einstein. One of the characters of GUFP is that it has
established a strictly consistent new framework for classical
electromagnetism[2]. This
electromagnetism employs the MKS rationalized gaussian unit system, in addition
to the SI practical unit system.
GUFP regards the co-use of these double unit systems as essential. We call this additional unit system MKSP
unit system, where P stands for Physical and, in short, SP unit system, in
contrast to the SI unit system.
Fortunately, our world is so simple mathematically and, unlike the other
sciences, physics appreciates the mathematical simplicity of its
framework. Under the assumption
that SI unit system is popular, SP unit system is the only one related unit
system which can represent distinctly clearly the simple and beautiful
structure of the physical world.
One focal point will be the expression of the Maxwell-Lorentz
microscopic magnetic field. In SP
unit system, it is h but in SI unit system there are three
choices, b , h , and moh , which have to introduce the
conceptional confusion. The mutual
conversion between SI and SP unit systems are very easy. GUFP regards the vector potential as the
real physical entity. This is also
an essential part of the electromagnetism of the new physics. In the old framework the gauge freedom
has been emphasized too much. In
the new physics, there is almost no gauge freedom. The only freedom contained in the free
wave packet or the radiation is safely disregarded. We know that the elementary particle
physicists use the natural unit system.
But, it is too much simplified and it is difficult to understand the
underlying physical structure of its equations and, also, to catch directly the
related components of its numerical values. The physical reality in GUFP is defined
as the object which is needed for the simple, selfconsistent, and convenient
(SCC) description of the physical phenomena. In this short article, we shall present only
the easily understandable side view of the new physics. The first one may be the finding of the
transient energy principle, i.e., the fourth law in the thermodynamics. The principle
states [T.E.] + T dS > 0 (1)
is the requirement that the process can happen. Here, [T.E.] indicates the Transient Energy,
which is macroscopic and in a transient state, and is impossible to return to
its original state. This
principle can guarantee the perfect diamagnetism of the classical perfect
conductors. Namely, if the material
becomes perfectly conductive and can keep the persistent currents, then,
automatically, it should show the Meissner-Ochsenfeld effect. If the perfectly conductive material is
in a magnetic field, diamagnetic current occurs automatically and it pushes out
the magnetic flux outside. Historically,
the start of the study on the classical derivation of the Meissner effect had
introduced the world-wide debates against GUFP. The old incomplete physics, however, did
not take into account the magnetic field energy properly. In addition, there is a very critical
situation for which only the transient energy principle, or, the fourth law in
thermodynamics, which had not been known at that time, can judge [3]. In addition to its importance for the
physics of superconductors, it had been pointed out that a part of the
biological organ, e.g., flagella motor, ATP synthase, and muscle are utilizing
this principle and get the additional energy microscopically from the thermal
motion of the environments. We predict
that use of this principle will have become important for the nano-technology
in the near future. Next clew of the Iida Physics may be the
finding of the very strict classical structures for all the elementary
particles. This includes the
clarification of the so-called strong and weak interactions in the field of the
elementary particles and nuclei.
They are strictly explainable in terms of both the classical
electromagnetism and these classical structures. The Iida physics had established the
simplest consistent framework for the physics of elementary particles and
nuclei with no divergence difficulty. The Iida physics has made
the complicated and intricate renormalization procedure as a relic of the
theoretical physics of the previous Century. The theoretical study of this domain had
started in 1970s in parallel to the study of the classical derivation of the
Meissner-Ochsenfeld effect. The
classical structure of the electron has been obtained in the framework of the
classical electromagnetism and published in 1974 in the Journal of the Physical
Society of Japan[4], just before the start of the publication difficulty
against the Iida physics. The
classical electron is a ring-like negative electric charge density and the
electric current density created by the light velocity running of the charge
density. The radius of
the ring is rather large such as Starting from this c-number electron, by
applying the covariant(relativistic) Lagrangian and the least action principle,
it has been possible to derive the kinematical equations for the electron with
the spin angular and magnetic moments.
Then, by replacing the energy-momentum four vector and the spin angular
momentum tensor with the quantal time and space operators and the Dirac g-matrixes, GUFP
can derive the quantal equations for the electron with the highest accuracy
including the anomalous magnetic moment in the second order perturbation[5] (It
is easy to get the next term by introducing the zero-point photon effect to the
mass.[6]) Since then, however, these land-marking
findings have been left behind with no progress. In 1996 in ICF7 in Bordeaux, however,
American and French physicists had declared to the author that, in order to accept
the Iida physics, it should clarify its standpoint to the quark theory. This had taken off the etiquette border
on my research territory and have triggered the extension of the Iida physics
to the whole field of elementary particles and nuclei. The findings are amazing. The Iida physics has clarified that all
the important elementary particles (electron, muon, tau, and their neutrinos,
pions, and proton) have their own stable classical structures with their
definite geometrical configurations and sizes. Electron, muon, and tau have the same
configuration with the electron, having the difference only in the mass, being
called the singlon. When there are
two parallel rings with different signs of the charges located very very
closely with the runnings in the same direction, we have the classical
structure of the neutrino, being called the pairon. When one more negative charge ring is
added to the pairon, running in the opposite direction and having cancelled out
the electromagnetic momentum, we have the classical structure of the Iida pion,
which is most important for the structure of the nuclei. The Iida pion is equivalent
to the Yukawa meson. But, according
to the advice of Nishijima, who has suggested to use the simplest and clearest
expression for such naming problems, we use the name of Iida pion. As we know the observed mass of the Iida
pion is about 273 me . It is noted that, equally to the current
physics, GUFP cannot predict the mass of the elementary particles. The old Century concept of the sizeless point
charge, having the problems of infinite electromagnetic energy and the
complicated renormalization procedure, has now been replaced by the new Century
concept of the extremely fine line charge densities and the line electric current
densities having strict electromagnetic stability with respect to the Lorentz
electric and magnetic forces(together with the extremely small assistance of
the gravitational attractions). The
striking facts are the strictly electromagnetic mathematical derivation of the
strong and weak interactions that have bothered the theorists of the old
Century so much. When the two Iida
line elements are located in parallel very very closely, and, if the signs of
the electric charges of the two are different and the directions of the
electric currents are the same, we have the strong attractive interaction. If either of the postulates is
different, namely, the signs of the charges are the same, or, the directions of
the electric currents are different, the electric and magnetic forces have just
cancelled out mutually, to have the states of the stable weak interaction. When the Iida element has formed the
closed string with a knot, it represents the classical structure of the proton,
being called the tfc(trefoiled c-number) structure. GUFP have required the quantized
electromagnetic angular momentum to all of these classical structures. In addition, we found that the magnetic
fluxes penetrating through any of the surfaces bounded by the closed Iida
string loop or loops are quantized, i.e., equal to the integral number of the
magnetic fluxoid, hc/2e
[7]. In the case of the electron, GUFP cannot
predict the observable size of the electron, in agreement with the experimental
observations. When the two
electrons have the parallel spin, the Pauli principle prohibits the overlapping
of the two electrons. When the two
electrons have the antiparallel spins, they can overlap, but, since the
thickness of the c-number electron is extremely small (such as ~ 10-386 m) and they can rotate freely, they can cross over without the
collision. In the case of the proton, as the c-number
configuration extends three dimensionally, the situation is entirely
different. The calculated radius of
the classical configuration is in the order of 1×10-15 m [8], which
is in excellent agreement with the radius of the proton observed
experimentally. These agreements
between the theory and the experiment will be the strong supports to GUFP. The similar calculation for the
Iida pion predicts 5.7×10-15 m [8] for the radius of
the circular pion which is several times larger than that of the proton. We should notice that, as the pion has
no angular momentum, it is quite flexible and deformable. Here GUFP presumes that there are two protons
with different parities.
Experimental verification may be possible if two protons are
participated, e.g., in the case of the deuteron. Whether the mass or the magnetic moments
of the deuteron can be separated into two is a fundamental question of GUFP,
leaving the problem in the accuracy of the future measurements. (The author may
mention the name of Dr. Hayano on this proposal.) GUFP has introduced an essential change to the
understanding of the structure of the nuclei. Namely, it has concluded that the nuclei are composed not of the
atomic number protons and the neutrons, but, of the nucleon number protons and
“the neutron number” Iida pions.
This result is quite important because this has to introduce an essential
change to all the existing theories on the atomic nuclei, which are seriously
important for the huge energy sources to the human being for both the civil and
military uses. By this, we have to
revice the contents of almost all text books for physics from the level of the
high school. In this new
understanding, the neutron is an unstable nucleus with the atomic number or the
electric charge number zero. It is
noted that, although the mass of the neutron is very close to the mass of the
proton, this only means that the binding energy of the proton and the Iida pion
in the neutron has happened to be nearly equal to the self-energy of the Iida
pion itself. GUFP can explain
semiquantitatively all the self-energies of the light nuclei, including the
binding energy between the protons and the Iida pions, in terms of the
classical electromagnetism[7]. Not
only the electrostatic energies but also the magnetic field energies are
equally important, and the transfer of the electromagnetic energies by
induction has an indispensable role.
In the old Century, as proton and neutron are
both fermions, Fermi-Dirac statistics has been used for them, The situation is similar in the new
physics because the nucleon number protons are all fermions. But there are Iida pions which are Boson
particles for which the Bose-Einstein statistics should be applied. This means that all the Iida pions can
share a single lowest energy, i.e., zero kinetic energy, quantal state function
in terms of the Bose-Einstein condensation. The mutual interaction between the Iida
pions and the nucleon number protons must take into account this quantal
situation. Since the Iida pion has
negative electric charge but the proton has positive charge, there must also be
the electrostatic attractive interactions.
In addition, there must be the strong interactions between the Iida line
elements of the Iida pions and the protons. In these considerations, the magnetic
field energies must be involved, as we know from the observed magnetic moments
of the light nuclei[7], the magnetic moments of the Iida pion(although it has
no spin angular momentum) is about 1.7 times of the magnetic moment of the
proton, and, it has the character to couple to the magnetic moment of the
proton antiferromagnetically, or, ferrimagnetically, probably in order to reduce
the magnetic field energies. In these situations, we don’t know how the
electromagnetic energy transfer by induction will play its role inside the nucleus. We know that the Iida pions are condensed
to its lowest energy state in terms of the Bose-Einstein statistics, and they
will form the Yukawa potential effectively for the positive charge
protons. Since the protons will
follow the Fermi-Dirac statistics, they will fill the orbital states with the
kinetic energies two by two. GUFP has created a new view for the
nuclei and the neutron stars.
Namely, the nuclei are the so-called “nano-molecule” composed from the
protons and the Iida pions, and, in contrast, the bulk crystals composed of the
same constituents are the neutron stars.
In the neutron star, since the Iida pions are the Boson particles, they
have degenerated to their lowest energy single state, which would be the three
dimensional plane wave. If this
bold assumption is effective, we have the sea of the Iida pions, where the
protons, since they are Fermions, are making the Fermi distribution, with their
kinetic energies and magnetic moments (and their spins) anti-parallel to the
magnetic moments of the Iida pions(in order to reduce the magnetic field
energies). Then, there might be a
huge cooperative phenomenon in which all the magnetic moments of the Iida pions
have aligned to a single direction and all the magnetic moments of the protons
have also aligned inversely to have created a huge nuclear ferrimagnet and
produces the huge magnetic fields of
The explosion of the supernova SN1987A has been
concluded to be not due to the shock wave repulsion, i.e., the old mechanism,
but due to the third fire, or, the cooperative elementary particle chain
reaction in which the electrons and the protons have united and changed into
the huge electromagnetic energies[9].
We call the chemical reaction as the first fire, the cooperative
explosion of the nuclear fission or the nuclear fusion(hydrogen bomb) as the
second fire. GUFP regards the
GRBs(Cosmic huge g-ray bursts) as the phenomena when a normal star has approached or
collided to the neutron star. Then,
when the neutron star has grown into a huge mass, such as by the enormous
number accumulation of the residues of the GRBs, there would be a possibility
of the new explosion in which the two protons and two Iida pions have united
and have transformed into the huge electromagnetic energies. GUFP calls this proposed explosion as
the fourth fire, by which a galaxy may be born. By this the transmigrating universe has
become a possible reality in the scope of the physical astronomy of the
universe in the theoretical framework of GUFP. This assumption has a reason that the
overall figures of many galaxies look as if they are the residues of some
explosions. Of course, these new
theories cannot exist in the old framework of physics of the previous Century. From the point of
view of GUFP, the quark theory is a defect theory having no electromagnetic
stability, as a result of neglecting the divergence difficulty of the point
charges. The so-called string
theory, as viewed in the present form, is a fruitless speculation without any
observational evidences. Its
smallest distance, the so-called Planck length is only a mathematical figure,
which has the dimension of the length, being obtained from the known physical
constants, simply by multiplication and division, including the root
operation. In the Iida physics, 10-35 m is not
the smallest distance but, for instance, the classical structure of the
electron in the Iida physics is a circular ring with the radius of about 0.007 Å made of livelex f3 element, whose radius of
the cross sectional is ~ 10-386 m (3)
which is unimaginably smaller than the so-called smallest distance, or,
the Planck length in the string theory.
It is noted that these lengths have been derived strictly theoretically
mathematically from the mass of the electron, the amount of the electric
charge, and its quantized angular momentum, in the framework of classical
electromagnetism. If an essential
modification would have been applied to the string theory and has regarded the
closed circuit of GUFP composed of the livelex f3 element as “the super string” and has amalgamated with the Iida
physics, the theory may have become the theory that the Iida physics can admit. GUFP has concluded clearly that both the Big
Bang and the Black Hole theories are wrong[10]. The Hubble constant can be deduced
quantitatively by the successive reduction of the photon energy by means of the
very small interaction to the electrons in the universe (100~106m-3). Since the Einstein equation is only the
first order approximate equation, it can not predict 0
or ∞. The Schwarzschild solution is
mathematically correct for the Einstein equation but not correct
physically. GUFP has found a
rigorous solution which has no black hole singularity. The Big Bang and the Black Hole are the
two essential falsehood of the Previous Century Physics. At the present moment, due to the retarded
social system of Japan, although the founder of the new physics, Iida, has the
name of the emeritus professor of the University of Tokyo, there is no support
from the Government or from the University of Tokyo. Accordingly, the development of the new
physics and its effect for the education and research for the Japanese society
are still entirely dependent on the small personal private efforts of Iida
himself. This is the present poor
situation of Japan to the research and education for the sciences, although the
government states loudly that the future of Japan depends on her level of
sciences and technologies. It is,
however, still better than the case of Galileo Galilei in 1632. The most recent result of the research of the
Iida physics is that it has succeeded in deriving the fluid dynamical equation
to the constituent gas molecules of the halos of the galaxies. By manipulating the Iida equation and,
using the data of the cosmological temperature and the transversal velocities
of the visible stars in the galaxies, GUFP has succeeded in deriving the
molecular mass of the constituent particles, approximately 10-3 me , being identified to
be that of the muon neutrino, in the first time in the history of physics. We are in the dense sea of the muon
neutrinos as our galaxy has also the muon neutrino gas as its halo. Furthermore, by utilizing these
knowledge and using the observed experimental data of the supernova SN1987A,
GUFP has succeeded in deriving the molecular mass of the electron neutrino as
1.4×10-5 me , precisely, and, furthermore, it had rejected the neutrino
oscillation concept. Since there
has been no oscillation in between the electrons and the muons, there is no
reason to expect the oscillation only to the electron neutrinos and the muon
neutrinos. References [1]
“Birth of Iida Physics”, S. Iida, Proc. ICF10, 2007. [2]
“New Electromagnetism” Vol.1 & Vol.2. Maruzen Book Co, 1975, written in
Japanese. [3]
S. Iida, “Several Memorial Data and Preprints”, Small booklet of 78
pages. Distributed in ICF8, 2000. [4]
S. Iida, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn, 1974, 14,
pp1183-1190. [5]
Chap.II of GUFP, “Bussei Kenkyu”, Yukawa Hall, Kyoto Univ. ,
43-1(1984)1~37. The latter contains
small errors in (3-4) and (3-42). [6]
S. Iida, Proc. ISATQ-Shnxi’92, 1993, 456-464. [7]
Chap.XXX of GUFP. [8]
Chap.XXXI of GUFP. [9]
Chap.XXIX of GUFP. [10] Chap.XXVI, XXVII and XXVIII of GUFP. ~ 0.7×10 -12 m (2) but
the radius of the cross section of the ring is awfully small such
~ 10 -386 m (3) . This extremely fine string segment may
be called “the Iida line element” or the “livelex f3 ” (light velocity extremely fine filamentary flow). This extremely fine string is necessary
for obtaining the electromagnetic energy of me c2. The electromagnetic angular momentum
/2 the factor 1/2
is the result of the quantum fluctuations.) . This had been the first finding for the
classical structures of the elementary particles. In this analysis, the vector potential,
being regarded as the real physical entity, has the indispensable role. No need is the old complicated
“renormalization” procedure.
. GUFP proposes that this is the only
mechanism for having such a tremendous magnetic field. GUFP states clearly that the fluid
dynamical mechanism where some charged particles flow to create such a huge
magnetic field is definitely impossible.
The charged particles can only make the cyclotron motions with the
radius of infinitely small magnitudes.